Wednesday, December 18, 2013

A man and his dog

Some of the first areas completed were the dad and boy and the adorable Dalmatian. 

I was particularly delighted by the rug they are on. It's one of those round braided ones. It was so warm and homey. Also, the actual technique of following the colors of braids was gripping. 

The Grandfather Clock

Jim was happy to find this clock right away while he was helping with sorting. The man loves clocks. 


The frame of the puzzle is all the same - a train track. This was an added challenge.

But I quickly found the word pieces for the first connect. Let the puzzling begin! 

Within a short amount of time, the frame was made. 

A New Puzzle for Christmas

I'm so excited to start this perfect puzzle! We are getting Jimmy a train table for Christmas this year :)

I anticipate several delightful surprises and lots of holiday cheer. Break out the egg nog!